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How does community engagement help brands?

Community engagement for brands brings amazing results.

According to Think with Google: “Global brands are finding community connections, and embracing local pride and thinking, all while adding a hyperlocal lens to creative work.”

The most popular search engine in the western world and the most visited website on earth continues to say… “today global brand activations designed to play out across mediums, borders, time zones, and touchpoints are no longer seeing the same impact.”

It seems whether online or offline, bound by location, interest, or situation, the key tenets of loyalty and value are unlocked when brands engage in local communities and culture.

And according to McKinsey & Company: “The “big idea” in 2020s marketing is community—reaching consumers in the communities they are a part of and helping them express community membership by participating in your brand.” They’ve developed what they call ‘The Community Flywheel – a better way to build a brand’. Activating this way enables brands to stand out, establish an emotional connection with the community, and build the long-term loyalty needed to thrive in the digital era.

Sounds pretty compelling, eh? So which brands do community engagement whether on or offline really well?

Gymshark - one of the fastest growing fitness apparel brands in the world creating both on and offline communities including its London bricks and mortar space that puts community and experiences at its heart.

Starbucks - do an amazing job of strengthening its community with a number of social initiatives to boost member interaction and engagement.

Cineworld Cinemas Ltd – creating local ‘Community Bibles’ each based on community insights – to engage the communities as centres with wide-ranging resources to offer to the community.

The Walt Disney Company - traditions inside the Disney community that bring people together including Dapper Day, Expos, cosplay meetups and of course their Parks.

Co-op – a fantastic community fundraising programme – raising over £100m to support local communities.

Harley-Davidson Motor Company – committed to building a brand community: a group of ardent consumers organized around the lifestyle, activities, and ethos of the brand.

Adnams – Amongst other initiatives they run three annual Southwold Beach Cleans across the year, in March, July and September.

Monzo Bank - built its 3 million customer base from engaging communities, on and off line with things like the Better Banking Matters and Monzo meetup events.

Tapping into local communities makes sense for retailers, from supermarkets to banks - 85%+ of retailers business come from their local communities, yet few engage them well.

Could your brand capitalise on this growing opportunity that delivers great rewards?

If you'd like to find out more about how to activate your brand with local audiences, improving relevancy and connection get in touch with We Are Acuity. You can book a FREE 30 minute chat here.

Or if you'd like to read more about Local Marketing have a look at our blog page "Local Thinking': https://www.weareacuity.com/local-thinking-our-blog

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