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AI image showing awful finance offer decals covering a car from head to toe

…or decals for short, is a decorative technique for transferring prints onto materials like pottery or glass. Unlike stickers which are peeled from a backing sheet, decals are transferred from their masking sheet, often in multiple pieces with more intricate detail. Because they’re often more durable and suitable for outdoor use, they’re used extensively in the automotive world, adorning demo vehicles and forecourt display models to present offers and specifications. It’s an excellent medium especially if the vehicles tour the local area spreading their message to anyone they pass. But sadly, there are some awful examples out there that insist on shouting their latest offers and forgoing any notion of branding. Distressing the look of a new car is an understatement:

Incorrect font.
Brands spend time and money selecting the perfect font to complement their identity. It’s all wasted when a demo car slaps your face with 800pt sci-fi text, heavy drop shadow and non-matching £ symbol.

Wrong tone of voice.
Auto marques have spent years crafting their latest new model. They’ve redefined driving again with a focus on sustainability whilst giving you the very latest technology. But ABC Motors only want you to know it’s YOURS FROM £199 A MONTH!

Advertising finance offers can be achieved without shouting, but it’s governed by advertising standards and that means including all the relevant information like APR and other terms and conditions (sometimes difficult to read when it flashes past at 40mph)

Off brand.
As with font choice, many decals just want to be noticed, so they’re proudly neon green whizz bangs that bear no relation to the product they’re promoting. They're so distracting you barely even notice the car hiding underneath.

Superfluous content.
It’s always tempting to overfill your glass and fail to distil the key points. Remember, these decals are usually moving so viewers have even less time to digest what they’re seeing. Even if they’re motionless, why clutter your product with social media handles? Your dealership name and location are enough for demo cars, and both are entirely unnecessary when it’s parked right outside your showroom.

With careful consideration, decal kits can be produced efficiently and work on any colour. If the design is kept simple, sets can be output to offer optimum contrast against Mint Sunrise or Quartz Forest.

To be fair, those responsible are often not marketing experts. They’re probably lacking guidance or assets from HQ too, so as entrepreneurial businesses, they go out and get it done themselves. Who could blame them! But when every touch point with a brand is vitally important, especially for an emerging brand trying to establish itself, they’re on dangerous ground. Building trust, recognition and brand values is not easy, and it’s made even harder when the product must fight its way through a makeover of badly designed, off-brand superfluity. Success comes in making life easy. So, when We Are Acuity support national brands with their local decals, we do just that. Our proven processes follow best practice principles learnt from 25 years in the business. Centralised on-brand designs, compliant and localised to suit your Dealer. Digital order forms allow easy payment, a fast turnaround and economies of scale with the convenience of local fitting!

Join our crusade against bad decals!

If you need help with vehicle decals, either making on-brand materials easily accessible to your network or advice in producing cost-effective decals that work, why not schedule a FREE 30-minute assessment today here? It will be well worth your time.

Alternatively, read more of our blogs about Local Marketing below.



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