Today’s multi-location marketers can call upon a ton of excellent solutions to put advertising and marketing firmly in their own hands. Platforms offering data-driven insights into performance and online creative tools allow marketing teams to generate assets and run their own campaigns. Budget restraints can also make such subscription services look even more attractive and drive local marketing activation firmly in-house.
It’s understandable, your team are under pressure from time constraints… not all your network will utilise what you give them anyway… your audience is too varied/niche… leading to a “this is good enough” attitude. But just think what more can be achieved with a sprinkling or expert know-how. Contrary to popular belief, partnering with a marketing agency is not going to blow your budget to smithereens.
Another facet of today’s multi-location marketing is the evolution of physical retail spaces – they’re not dying, they’re becoming more experiential and community-focussed. Local marketing requires both digital excellence and a human touch, and brands need practical strategies to support their local partners. It’s not always achievable with off-the-shelf button pushes. (Ahem) that’s where we come in.
Watford Borough Council and Watford Town Centre BID partnered with We Are Acuity to drive awareness and footfall to local retailers in the run up to Christmas via an eat and shop local campaign. Such campaigns deliver significant value by driving economic growth, fostering community connection, and reinforcing brand trust. By spotlighting local businesses, these campaigns stimulate the local economy, keeping money circulating within the community and supporting jobs. They resonate deeply with consumers, aligning with the growing desire to support sustainable practices and authentic experiences. For multi-location brands, such initiatives demonstrate a commitment to the areas they serve, building loyalty by showing they value local culture and priorities. Ultimately, such campaigns bridge the gap between big-brand reach and grassroots engagement, creating a win-win for businesses and communities alike.
Our partnership led to a 93% increase in gift card sales, and a significant return on investment (significant). Combining an in-house team’s insights and passion with an agency’s knowledge and resources can turn ‘good enough’ into amazing.
Want to see what we did? Check out the full case study.
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