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Quizzing for a great cause.

So it happened, on Sunday 12th May We Are Acuity were delighted to join Goods For Good in their 10th Anniversary Fundraising Quiz and what a night it was!

82 Teams took part with teams joining from not only the UK but also from the US, Ukraine, Moldova, New Zealand, South Africa, and Israel, so a real Global effort.

The quiz itself was great fun and the teams from We are Acuity did ourselves proud finishing at best in 28th position with all the other teams sitting mid table, all in all not too bad.

The evening was not only for quizzing, but there was also a fantastic raffle with some great prizes on offer from the likes of Warner Bros. Studio Tour London, The Grove and My 1st Years to name a few and some excellent entertainment from the very talented Rachael Hawnt.

The quiz raised an amazing £22,000 whilst also providing an evening of fun and distraction for those currently living in very difficult situations. Julia from Kiev, Ukraine said ‘Though we were not able to answer too many of the questions, we were so happy to have some normal time for two hours, we really enjoyed it.’

So, a massive congratulations to everyone that was involved in making this happen, looking forward to the next one!

If you'd like to read more about We Are Acuity have a look at our blog page "Local Thinking': https://www.weareacuity.com/local-thinking-our-blog


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