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Suzuki Dealer Marketing

We Are Acuity transformed a flagging Local Marketing Hub into a flexible, practical, on-brand tool that was enthusiastically adopted by 150 UK dealerships and 30 in Ireland, encompassing retail, aftersales, motability and fleet.

Supercharging the network

We Are Acuity transformed a flagging Local Marketing Hub into a flexible, practical, on-brand tool that was enthusiastically adopted by 150 UK dealerships and 30 in Ireland, encompassing retail, aftersales, motability and fleet.

Listen instead?

"Simply put, We Are Acuity have made marketing far easier for our dealers. Giving them a Local Marketing Hub contributes massively to the network's effectiveness. We have found projects that are managed on behalf of dealers increase their marketing reach, often at a cost way below anything achievable on a dealer-by-dealer basis."

Jodie Brooke

Communications Manager, Suzuki


Suzuki's Local Marketing Hub was being under used and as a result dealers were producing their own advertising long-hand which was expensive, off-brand, and made it difficult to control legal compliancy. We Are Acuity was challenged to turn this situation around so the Hub would be widely used for each quarterly national campaign.



We needed to understand why the Local Marketing Hub wasn’t being used effectively. An in-depth audit revealed that there were too many templates and they didn’t cater to the needs of the dealers. They wanted their name prominent, to be able to change price points and to advertise multiple cars in a single ad. With that valuable knowledge, we could take action.



Working closely with Suzuki’s ad agency, we firstly recommended composite templates that could combine a range of financial offers. We also designed a striking suite of ‘range’ templates which captured the Suzuki spirit of excitement and adventure. From a practical point of view, they gave dealers the flexibility to select up to four models within their chosen price range whilst keeping the brand consistent and upfront.



For Suzuki, this has liberated the dealers, giving them the power to fulfil their own marketing needs with a newfound agility, simplicity and cost-efficiency.


This has directly led to improved compliance, through widespread adoption of the MAM. 95% of dealers now use the system, a 50% increase since Acuity came on board in 2013.


Additionally, Suzuki HQ now has deeper insight into dealership activity and needs, thanks to 1-click reporting through the Local Marketing Hub.

If you’d like to talk about your brand’s local marketing why not schedule a FREE 30-minute assessment today here? It will be well worth your time.

Or alternatively read more about Local Marketing on our blog page "Local Thinking': https://www.weareacuity.com/local-thinking-our-blog