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Suzuki Aftersales

A digital tool to power customer relationships

A digital tool to power customer relationships.

Having worked with Suzuki for many years and provided a wide range of support to its Aftersales teams, We Are Acuity was tasked with leveraging its knowledge to create a one-stop, easy-to-use, digital hub of resources and knowledge that unified everything the Aftersales team could ever need to know.

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Suzuki Aftersales Products & Programmes Guide | Work | We Are Acuity

“Many thanks.
Overall, this is really quite exceptional.”

Suzuki Aftersales Programmes Manager.


Not only did this new digital destination need to collect a huge selection of information, but it had to be practical to use, providing the right information in the fewest clicks.

In addition, the client stressed that this new tool needed to be something that the dealers actually engaged with; an important resource that rewarded every visit by increasing knowledge of Suzuki products, benefits, features and programmes. This in turn would help the Aftersales teams provide unbeatable service to their customers, increase customer retention and help to build revenue coming from 3rd-party product providers.


As this was a non-customer facing product, the design could focus on the functionality, with practicality and accessibility at its core. Of course as a creative agency, this didn’t mean we ignored the aesthetics, and we presented a number of potential platforms as options for the final product, from a multi-page PDF through to full website and app development.

Each of the options provided the client with the ability to keep the content updated remotely, and the decision was made to develop an interactive eBook which, when updated, would send notifications to users throughout the dealer chain.

To help engage the dealers, this new resource was also given its own branding and logo, rather than a simple (and perhaps dull) description. ‘Service Connect’ helped to communicate the joined-up nature of the information inside, whilst also suggesting its more aspirational purpose: an additional tool to help build relationships with customers.


Service Connect is a practical source of up-to-date information. Whether dealers need an overview of a product, or detailed information, its simple menu system and expandable sections make it easy to find the right information fast, whether that’s in the form of a video, diagrams or pure information.

It’s hosted online, and relevant sections can be downloaded and printed if needed by dealers. It’s also been designed to display on desktop, laptop and mobile with no issues.

Service Connect launched in September 2022 and the early reaction to it has been very strong. Anecdotally, dealers have engaged with its easy-to-use, easy-to-find style and appreciate that they are accessing the latest information. It’s also being used as a training tool for new dealers, with its rich information helping to bring them up to speed very quickly.

If you’d like to talk about your brand’s local marketing why not schedule a FREE 30-minute assessment today here? It will be well worth your time.

Alternatively, read more about Local Marketing on our blog page "Local Thinking': https://www.weareacuity.com/local-thinking-our-blog


'Service Connect' online interactive Products & Services Directory:
25 Product & Service categories.
9 Suzuki Service Promises.
16 explainer videos.
4 Aftersales sections.
20+ pdf product downloads.